Building a Power App for Issue Tracking

Building a Power App for Issue Tracking

Building a Power App for Issue Tracking!


This blog post offers a step-by-step guide on how to build a Power App for Issue Tracking, starting with acquiring browser and O/S details through the Power Apps Host Object. It then demonstrates the process of creating a new SharePoint list for the app, detailing the necessary columns and their configurations.

Power Apps Host Object Get Web Browser And O/S Details

Open Share Point Site and Create New Share Point list
Create a New List: 
click the “+ New” button and select “List.”

Create New SharePoint list
List Information: Fill in the details for your new list. You can provide a name for the list, such as “Issue Tracker,” and an optional description. 

Click on “Add column” to Create a new column In your SharePoint list For each column, configure them as follows:

Add Column

To present travel time in a user-friendly manner, converting seconds to hours and minutes is advisable. 

Issue Description (multiple lines of text):
User Agent (single line text):
Operating System (single line text):
Session Identifier (single line text):
Tenant Identifier (single line text):

Save and Continue

After configuring all the columns with the desired wording and names, click the “Save” button or equivalent option to create the list.

SharePoint List

To present travel time in a user-friendly manner, converting seconds to hours and minutes is advisable. 

Create a New Power App:

Once you're logged in, click on the "Apps" option in the left-hand menu.
  • Next, select the “+ Create” button to create a new Power app. 
  • Click on “Blank” to proceed. 

And select the Canvas App

select the Canvas App

Give The Name And chose The Format 

Give The Name And chose The Format 
  1. After The Change Screen Name  
  2. Name: Issue_list_Screen
  3. And Add the New Label for the Header to Define Screen Purposes 
Insert Label

Do this Step on the Header Label Properties

					Name: Lbl_Header_List_screen 
Text: "List Of Issues"
Width: Parent.Width 
Font: Font.'Open Sans' 
Size: 25 
FontWeight : FontWeight.Semibold
Fill: RGBA(246, 88, 16, 1) 
Color: RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1) 


Insert add icon to create new issue

Width: Parent.Width 
OnSelect: Navigate('Issue Tracker Screen',ScreenTransition.Cover);NewForm(frm_Issue_Tracker) 
Gallery In Power app

Insert the horizontal blank gallery do this step with the gallery 

Do this step with this gallery

					Name: Header_gal 
X: 0 
Y: 97 
Width: Parent.Width 
Height: 60 
TemplateSize: Parent.Width/5.5 
WrapCount: 1 
TemplatePadding: 0 

Now insert the blank Vertical Gallery

Do this step with this galery
					Name: LIst_gal 
X: 0 
Y: 157 
Width: Parent.Width 
Height: 611 
TemplateSize: 80 
WrapCount: 1 
TemplatePadding: 5 

And connect with share point list And Add Label in LIst_gal

					Name: Lbl_Issue_Description 
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1) 
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0) 
X: 0 
Y: 0 
Width: 357 
Height: Parent.TemplateHeight 
Text: ThisItem.'Issue Description' 

Copy And Paste the Label Do these steps on label properties

					Name: Lbl_User_Agent 
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1) 
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0) 
X: 357 
Y: 0 
Width: 211 
Height: Parent.TemplateHeight 
Text: ThisItem.'User Agent' 

Again, Copy and Paste the Label Do these steps on label properties

					Name: Lbl_Operating_System 
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1) 
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0) 
X: 568 
Y: 0 
Width: 209 
Height: Parent.TemplateHeight 
Text: ThisItem.'Operating System' 
					Name: Lbl_Session_Identifier 
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1) 
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0) 
X: 777 
Y: 0 
Width: 191 
Height: Parent.TemplateHeight 
Text: ThisItem.'Session Identifier' 

Again, Copy and Paste the Label Do these steps on label properties

					Name: Lbl_Tenant_Identifier 
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1) 
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0) 
X: 968 
Y: 0 
Width: 265 
Height: Parent.TemplateHeight 
Text: ThisItem.'Tenant Identifier' 

After Adding the Label Add icon to view the issue

Insert The View Icon  

					Name: Icon_View 
X: 1264 
Y: 8 
WIdth: 64 
Height: 64 
PaddingTop: 10 
PaddingLeft: 10 
OnSelect: Set(varissues,ThisItem);Navigate('Issue Tracker Screen',ScreenTransition.Cover);ViewForm(frm_Issue_Tracker) 

Insert one more screen to show the all issues in power app 

Name: Issue Tracker Screen
And Add the New Label for the Header to Define Screen Purposes  

Insert Label

Do this Step on the Header Label Properties

					Name: Lbl_Header 
Text: "Create New Issue" 
Width: Parent.Width 
Font: Font.'Open Sans' 
Size: 25 
FontWeight : FontWeight.Semibold
Fill: RGBA(246, 88, 16, 1) 
Color: RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1) 


Insert back icon to Navigate List Screen

					OnSelect: Navigate(Issue_list_Screen) 
back Icon in power app

After This insert Edit Form to Create New Issue

After Insert the Edit Form Connect to your SharePoint list 

After Insert the Edit Form Connect to your SharePoint list

Do this step on Edit form properties

					Name: frm_Issue_Tracker 
X: Parent.Width/2-Self.Width/2 
Y: Lbl_Header.Height 
Width: 800 
Height: 500  
Columns: 1 
Item: varissues 
DataSource: 'Issue Tracker' 

Now our Form Look Like this

Now our Form Look Like this

We Do Some More Step On every DataCard

First Of All Unlock All the DataCard

First Of All Unlock All the DataCard

Select the User Agent_DataCard1

In this This Datacard Select DataCardValue3 Do this step On the Properties of this Datacard 

					Default: If(frm_Issue_Tracker.Mode=FormMode.New,Host.BrowserUserAgent,Parent.Default) 
DisplayMode: DisplayMode.Disabled 
Select the User Agent_DataCard1

Select the Operating System_DataCard1

In this This Datacard Select DataCardValue4 Do this step On the Properties of this Datacard 

					Default: If(frm_Issue_Tracker.Mode=FormMode.New,Host.OSType,Parent.Default) 
DisplayMode: DisplayMode.Disabled 
Select the Operating System_DataCard1

Select the Session Identifier_DataCard1

In this This Datacard Select DataCardValue5 Do this step On the Properties of this Datacard 

					Default: If(frm_Issue_Tracker.Mode=FormMode.New,Host.SessionID,Parent.Default) 
DisplayMode: DisplayMode.Disabled 
Select the Session Identifier_DataCard1

Select the Tenant Identifier_DataCard1

In this This Datacard Select DataCardValue6 Do this step On the Properties of this Datacard 

					Default: If(frm_Issue_Tracker.Mode=FormMode.New,Host.TenantID,Parent.Default) 
DisplayMode: DisplayMode.Disabled 
Select the Tenant Identifier_DataCard1

Write this code on frm_Issue_Tracker OnSuccess properties

					OnSuccess : Notify("Issue Has been reported to the app Developer");ResetForm(frm_Issue_Tracker) 

Insert Button To Submit The issue

After This Insert Button To submit The Issue Do the Following step to button properties 

					Name: btn_Submit 
Text: "Submit" 
X: Parent.Width/2-Self.Width/2 
Y: frm_Issue_Tracker.Height+frm_Issue_Tracker.Y+20 
Width: 200 
Height: 80 
RadiusTopLeft: 50 
RadiusTopRight: 50 
Size: 25 
FontWeight : FontWeight.Semibold
Fill: RGBA(246, 88, 16, 1) 
Color: RGBA(255, 255, 255, 1) 
PressedColor: Self.Color 
PressedFill: Self.Fill 
PressedBorderColor: Self.BorderColor 
HoverColor: Self.Color 
HoverFill: Self.Fill 
HoverBorderColor: Self.BorderColor 
OnSelect: SubmitForm(frm_Issue_Tracker) 
Do the Following step to button properties

Now Our App is complete

Additional Informations:

  1. Platform: Microsoft Power Apps and SharePoint.
  2. Purpose: Issue tracking and management.
  3. Key Features:
    • Web browser and O/S detail acquisition.
    • Customizable SharePoint list with essential columns.
    • User data collection including User Agent, Operating System, Session, and Tenant Identifiers.
  4. Target Audience: App developers, IT managers, businesses seeking efficient issue tracking solutions.
  5. Prerequisite Knowledge: Basic understanding of Power Apps and SharePoint.
  6. Integration: This Power App can be integrated with other Microsoft services for enhanced functionality.
  7. Benefits:
    • Improved data organization.
    • Streamlined issue reporting and resolution.
    • Enhanced user experience through easy tracking.


Building a Power App for Issue Tracking can significantly streamline the process of recording and managing issues. With the help of SharePoint lists and the right columns, one can easily track user details, issue descriptions, and other relevant data to ensure a seamless user experience.

If you want to learn more about the Power Apps, feel free to explore our other informative articles and tutorials.

Have additional inquiries? Our team is here to assist. Please don’t hesitate to reach out!

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