Mastering Pagination in PowerApps Gallery A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Pagination in PowerApps Gallery: A Comprehensive Guide

PowerApps Gallery Control – Effortless Data Pagination

When it comes to managing extensive data in PowerApps, the gallery control plays a crucial role. One of its compelling features is pagination, ensuring a neat and structured presentation. In this guide, we’ll delve deep into understanding how to paginate data efficiently using the gallery control in PowerApps.


Pagination is an essential feature for managing vast amounts of data. For users of PowerApps, introducing pagination to the gallery can be a game-changer. The ability to break data into manageable chunks enhances user experience and ensures a smoother interface.

Efficient Pagination With PowerApps Gallery Control

The brilliance of PowerApps lies in its vast community. One such contribution comes from a PowerApps enthusiast who has laid down a comprehensive method for adding pagination to the gallery. While the original post can be accessed on, we’ll provide a concise version here for quick insights.

Key Techniques Explored

  • Dynamic calculation of records displayed on each page based on gallery dimensions.
  • Efficient formulas for populating data on every page.
  • Integration of first, last, previous, and next buttons.

Under the Hood of Pagination

For seamless pagination, the code dynamically determines the number of records each page should display. This is achieved by dividing the gallery’s height by its template height. It avoids the need for hard-coded values and ensures adaptability in case of gallery resizing.

To furnish the data for each page, the Gallery control’s Item property employs this formula:

LastN(FirstN(DataSource, TotalRecordsForPage), RowsPerPage)

Where TotalRecordsForPage is determined by:

CurrentPageNumber * RowsPerPage

Navigation Controls

The ‘next’ and ‘previous’ buttons are vital for seamless navigation. The formulas increment or decrement the TotalRecordsForPage based on the RowsPerPage.

Additional Insights

For a detailed exploration, consider visiting the official post on It offers an in-depth understanding and covers edge cases like disabling navigation buttons on the first or last page.


PowerApps gallery control with pagination offers a structured and user-friendly way to handle vast amounts of data. Leveraging the techniques mentioned above can substantially improve the app’s interface and usability. As always, PowerApps community contributions like this make the platform richer and more versatile.

If you find yourself seeking further assistance or have questions about this guide, don’t hesitate. Contact us today. We’re here to help, guide, and offer the best solutions for your technical challenges. Trust our expertise and ensure your PowerApps journey is smooth and efficient.

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