Extracting Data from a Power App Table Stored in a Cell A Comprehensive Guide

Extracting Data from a Power App Table Stored in a Cell: A Comprehensive Guide


Mastering the Power App Data Extract feature is essential for streamlining business operations. Power Apps offers a seamless experience for app users, particularly when it comes to handling complex data structures. This guide focuses on extracting data from tables stored within cells in Power Apps, a crucial skill for maximizing the potential of your business applications. Understanding and implementing Power App Data Extract can significantly enhance your data management capabilities.

Understanding the Input Collection

        Collection Name: roomList48
        Info    value
        Description of rooms  [object Object], [object Object]…

Note: Here, [object Object], [object Object]… represents a power app table within a cell.

Expected Output Collection

        Output Collection: roomDetails48
        RoomName   Capacity   Structure
        Redwood    10         Structure A
        Oak        25         Structure A
        Pinetree   8          Structure B
        Cedar      15         Structure B

Code Solution for Retrieving People in Redwood Room

        //Initializing the collection
            {RoomName: "Redwood", Capacity: 10, Structure: "Structure A"},
            {RoomName: "Oak", Capacity: 25, Structure: "Structure A"},
            {RoomName: "Pinetree", Capacity: 8, Structure: "Structure B"},
            {RoomName: "Cedar", Capacity: 15, Structure: "Structure B"}

        {info:"Description of rooms", value: dataTable48});

        ClearCollect(roomDetails48, Ungroup(roomList48,"value"));

        //Code to fetch value from the power app table
        Set(peopleCount48a, LookUp(Ungroup(roomList48,"value"), RoomName="Redwood", Capacity));

Code Solution for Finding Structure of Pinetree Room

        //Reiterating the initialization of collection for clarity
            {RoomName: "Redwood", Capacity: 10, Structure: "Structure A"},
            {RoomName: "Oak", Capacity: 25, Structure: "Structure A"},
            {RoomName: "Pinetree", Capacity: 8, Structure: "Structure B"},
            {RoomName: "Cedar", Capacity: 15, Structure: "Structure B"}

        {info:"Description of rooms", value: dataTable48});

        ClearCollect(roomDetails48, Ungroup(roomList48,"value"));

        //Code to fetch the structure value for Pinetree from the power app table
        Set(structure48b, LookUp(Ungroup(roomList48,"value"), RoomName="Pinetree", Structure));


  1. Collect, Clear, and ClearCollect functions
  2. Set function
Some Relevant Insights:
  • The process of extracting data from a Power App table stored in a cell involves understanding the structure of the input collection and the expected output.
  • Specific code solutions are provided for retrieving people in the Redwood room and finding the structure of the Pinetree room within Power Apps.
  • The guide emphasizes the importance of correctly initializing collections and using functions like ClearCollect, Ungroup, and LookUp for effective data extraction.



Handling tables and data within Power Apps doesn’t have to be daunting. With the right approach and understanding, extracting data becomes a straightforward process. Should you encounter any hurdles or need more insights on optimizing your Power Apps, don’t hesitate. We’re here to help. Feel free to contact us and we’ll be more than happy to assist.

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