How to Determine Leap Years in Power Apps A Comprehensive Guide

How to Determine Leap Years in Power Apps: A Comprehensive Guide

Determining Leap Years: A Guide to Check If a Year is a Leap Year

Determining leap years, especially in Power Apps, poses unique challenges. The “Leap Year in Power Apps” technique ensures we efficiently work with dates and determine the leap year status of any given year. While there isn’t a direct function, we have a foolproof method to guide you through For a deeper understanding or further assistance on the topic, do not hesitate to contact us.

Understanding the Leap Year Technique in Power Apps

Power Apps does not offer a built-in function for this, necessitating an indirect approach. Using the Date function to assign a date value for 29th February of the desired year is our trusted method.

The peculiar characteristic of this function is that if 29th February is not valid for a specific year, it defaults and returns 1st March of that year. This behavior becomes our basis of identifying leap years. By applying the Month function on the returned value, we can draw our conclusion. A month value of 2 indicates a leap year, whereas a value of 3 suggests otherwise.

For illustration:


This formula verifies that 2021 is not a leap year since the outcome is false.

Generating a List of Years with Their Leap Year Status

This section delves deeper into creating a list of years and their leap year statuses. The technique here ensures that for every year, we can determine if it can have the date value of 29th February.

ForAll(Sequence(200,1900,1), { YearValue: Year(Date(Value,2,29)), IsLeapYear: Month(Date(Value,2,29))=2 })

Compiling a List of Leap Years

For those specifically interested in only extracting leap years, this section details the filtering process to achieve that.

      YearValue: Year(Date(Value,2,29)), 
      IsLeapYear: Month(Date(Value,2,29))=2      

Reference:  Filter  functions


To determine a leap year in Power Apps, assign a date with 29th February for that year. A successful assignment means it’s a leap year.

If you’re seeking further clarity or require technical assistance, feel free to contact us. We’re here to help, and our expertise can guide you through any challenges you might face.

Further Reading: Leap Year Algorithms and Their Implementations

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